Sunday, 16 August 2009

What is wrong with LONDON BUSES?

1. Why do they got heater on hot day, I just don't understand that.
2. What is with their on board audio annoucement system, set in high valume.

these 2 are enough to put people off using the buses, can they stop using the buses, well they can not, they are using buses because that they have no other option and the bus company dam well aware of it.So bus company does not try to make the service better,they are into making the service better for very few and on that process that they will make the 95% if not more than 95% people who use it, life hell as possible.They just care about the few.Why? if they do not get enough profit than tax payer, us again have to pay the stupid LONDON bus company.

How, think about it, you have a heater on the bus, it not cold outside, why would it, it's summer.Than you have this onboard audio announcement system shouting at you betteween every bus stop,if the bus stops at any bus stop than you got another shout at each bus stop, when I say shout, I mean shout, it's so loud that people at the bus stop can hear the announcement.I would like to find out which idiot come up with this idea.

These something they chould have spend the money on and it would have made so many people happy, iBUS dispaly on every bus stop, which would tell you, when the next bus is.They would not do that because it would help 100%.


1.What bus company need is, a system that their staff should follow, and if any of their staff thing it's funny to turn the audio too high on buses or set the heater on summer.They should hold the bus driver responsible.Bus driver should check heater is off and mostly they are the one who put them system is set at low valume.

2. disbale heater on summer time so no one can put it on,and get a infomation button, just one button, so if anybody got on a local but not know where they are going and would like to listen to audio anouncement, they press that button and it will put out announcement.

why make local people who use the service most,listen to the audio on high volume, everyday, how often do you think someone get on a local bus and ask direction from the driver,even with the audio announcement system, is not fool proof.It only read out one road name betteween bus stops but there are many roads betteween bus stops, it may help very few people, but it abuses many, thats on daily ,every single day.Partly because of bus staff, they who turn the volume too high and putting heater on just because it's rainning, come on.

Audio announcement should be turned down and someone should monitor and there should be a number for people to report any drivers thing it's funny to keep the volume too high.I would prefer to shut down of this system until bus company install a information button.

some buses are set the volume to good level, but most of the buses that I am in, has its volume too high and some even has heater on summer time or just because it got dark, can you belive that.

Why is it, they have a announcement system that say the same thing over and over again, why would anybody inside the bus want to hear that, where the hell the bus is going, they know that on the first place thats why they got on,but they could have put a speaker outside the bus, telling everyone at the bus stop, where this bus is going, that will make sense.

The worse buses that I got on are 140,282,427,E9,120,E6,90,207,E7 Last time that I complained the service was bad, Now it gone to worse, Now I am complaining again, can they make it worse than this I wonder.Bus company staff thinks they are untouchable,any other firm, you make a complain, they will sort it out, but bus company staff want to do the opposite.

Lets see what happens.



I also like to make the following points, if you have used LONDON buses recently that you have noticed all of the buses with onboard announcement system, they all put an announcement at each and every time the bus stop and move away from the bus stops and tells you where the bus is going, does anyone get on a bus not knowing where that bus is going? I do not think so, make matter worse, it even put an announcement when someone got off the bus, not even the front door open,or no one got in the bus, still it will tell you again where the bus is going, volume is so high, that it will deafen your ear, I have a very good hearing, but they have set it up so even a deaf person can hear it, no consideration for other travellers.

do we realy need this announcement, the money could have invested on iBus for many bus stop and this would have helped many, but you can not find iBUS on any bus stops,I have even talk to one driver and she told me they been told to keep the announcement system on all time or they will be told off if they switched it off.Can you belive that? even you are the only one in the bus and if you ask the bus driver to switch it off, they will not do it! What the hell is going on.

Nice going LONDON buses, I would like to see the person who come up with this idea and sit in the bus for whole day, use as many buses as possible, than he will know what need to be changed.These people hardly ever get on bus,last time these people use the bus is when they were child.

it's time to say bye bye to the person who come up with this crazy onboard audio announcement
on local buses.Does he have shit for brain.How the fxxx did he programe the machine to put a announcement out, over and over again, telling the travellers already in the bus, where the bus is going.Do you this anybody get in the bus if they were not sure where the bus is going, if you are not sure ask the driver.

Come on get this into your head and turn off the bloody thing, money well wasted!

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