Monday, 10 August 2009

Landlords and tenants attack government crackdown on ‘student ghettos’

This is what is wrong with the Government plans?

See their plan:
Government plans to restrict multiple occupation of homes to clamp down on the “studentification” of local communities were attacked last night by landlords and tenants.
The proposals would give local authorities the power to restrict the number of properties that house six or more tenants through new planning laws. This move — outlined in a consultation document — comes in response to increased concern from residents that streets in university towns are becoming “student ghettos” that are marginalising the rest of the community.
The British Property Federation described the plan as a knee-jerk reaction and warned that the new rules would lead to higher rents and would affect immigrants, young professionals and benefit claimants as well as students. The proposed laws could result in more “sink estates” and less social integration, the federation said, adding that local businesses that depended on students could face closure.
Liz Peace, chief executive of the federation, said: “You can’t use the planning system for social engineering. Only a tiny fraction of places suffer from a high concentration of HMOs and using a broad brush approach to deal with the issue makes no sense.”

I tell you, instead of limiting the amount of people, limit the amount of rent for each property, Because of pure greed of some landlords, care no less about the tenants they rent out a 3 bed room houe to 9,10 and even to 15 peoples,that is just sick.But limiting the rent amount will stop the landlords renting the perperty to many people at the same time will keep the rent low for tenants. Landlord still make limited profits, so evrybody is happy, may be some landlord be very unhappy, so what?

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